Superior quality with Q31 Lucerne

Q31 Lucerne from AlfaGen Seeds offers superior forage quality and is ideal for growers producing hay, silage, or chaff for their own enterprise or to sell to premium markets. Well-known as a leafy hay option demanded by the various horse industries, Q31 is an excellent high protein lucerne with a range of agronomic attributes to help maximise its production and profitability.

Growth habits helping Q31 Lucerne produce more at the right time

Q31 Lucerne is different to many options on the Australian market, in that 95 percent of its growth occurs in the summer months.

This trait, combined with its below-ground crown, excellent leaf retention, and large leaf size, makes it the ideal option for hay, silage, and chaff producers needing high-quality forage. It’s a lucerne stand that will also persist over many seasons.

Q31 is a deep-rooted perennial that responds rapidly to rainfall or irrigation, producing fine stems with large leaves.

Enhanced flexibility in cutting times with Q31 Lucerne 

Some varieties of lucerne require cutting every three to four weeks to maximise quality. Q31, on the other hand, can be cut every six to seven weeks if necessary.

With less machinery going across the paddock, you’ll get more quality hay and better options if cutting is delayed due to wet weather, time constraints, or breakdowns.

Quality seed and seed treatments

AlfaGen Seeds produces high-quality seed, which is processed through its state-of-the-art facility at Penfield, South Australia.

Q31 is treated with Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8™ which includes a micronutrient package, fungicide, insecticide as well as an assurance on the long-term viability of the beneficial bacteria added with the rhizobia inoculation process.

An Establishment Guarantee also exists in which seed is replaced at half the original purchase price if it fails to establish satisfactorily in the first 30 days.

Interested in Q31 Lucerne seed for your enterprise? 

Get in touch with your local AlfaGen territory manager today!

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