It Makes Kraken Lambs
January 24, 2022 All Regions
Justin Dillon of McGregor Gourlay, Croppa Creek in New South Wales, had sold and grown Moby Forage Barley in the past. Mr. Dillon decided to test the claims made about AlfaGen Seeds’s Kraken Forage Barley, sowing a paddock in autumn for his sheep to graze and lambs to be fattened.
About Kraken Forage Barley
Kraken is an awnless white seeded two-row forage barley that replaced Moby Forage Barley in the AlfaGen portfolio. Kraken was released in autumn 2021 and tested alongside Moby with impressive results. It displayed the same quick establishment and excellent early vigour, making Kraken a direct replacement. Observations from the field and in trials indicate that Kraken is slightly later to head emergence than Moby and displays better leaf disease resistance, providing more green leaf for longer into the season.
Despite being a quick forage option, when well managed with favourable seasonal conditions and appropriate stocking rates, extended grazing periods can be achieved, as Mr. Dillon demonstrated. The awnless characteristic means the stock will still graze Kraken once head emergence occurs.
Kraken Forage Barley “Just Kept Coming Back”
The ten-hectare block was sown on the 1st of June, and the sheep were introduced in August.
“It got away from them originally, but I left them on there, and they eventually got on top of it,” Mr. Dillion noted.
The last of the 150 sheep were finally removed at the start of November. “It just kept coming back,” commented Mr. Dillon.
The lambs were introduced at approximately 30 kilograms, and removed when they reached 58 kilograms and sold through the local sale yards. He topped the market twice.
The agent asked, “What they’d been fed on?”
“They were Kraken lambs, I told him.” Mr. Dillon quipped.
Interested in Kraken Forage Barley seed for your enterprise?
Get in touch with your local AlfaGen territory manager today! Check out our Kraken Q&A here. or view the product specifications here.