Subzero Handles the Subzero Climate
June 28, 2023 All Regions
Cameron Dodd, along with his father Laurie and young family, manages a diverse operation encompassing an apple orchard, cattle fattening, and breeding on their 240-hectare property. Despite facing tough seasons marked by dry spells and bushfires, the Dodd family has maintained their resilience and sense of humour.
Filling the Winter Feed Gap with Subzero
With oats being a staple for their breeding and fattening operation, Cameron sought a solution to bridge the persistent winter feed gap. After consulting with his father, they decided to give AlfaGen Seeds’s Subzero Hybrid Forage Brassica a try. They obtained a custom blend from their local reseller, which included Subzero Hybrid Forage Brassica, Italian Diploid Ryegrass, Annual Tetraploid Ryegrass, and Ovaflow Sub Clover.
A Ray of Hope after Tough Seasons
Following a series of bushfires and several years of below-average rainfall, the Dodd family sowed the blend in February. With their grazing country devastated, they were in dire need of a solution to support their cattle.
Allocating 22 hectares of the blend to 60 cows and calves from mid-June to August, Cameron observed a significant benefit. He noted that the cattle held their weight remarkably well, a departure from the usual scenario where livestock tends to lose condition during the cold temperatures and wind chill of winter.
Subzero’s Resilience in Harsh Frost
One of the standout features of Subzero was its ability to withstand the severe frosts common in the Batlow region. Cameron attested that the frosts did not deter the brassica, and it continued to grow resiliently throughout the cold season, supporting the thriving cows.
Cameron expressed his delight with Subzero’s performance, stating that it effectively filled the critical winter feed gap they had been struggling with. Encouraged by the results, he plans to allocate more land to the same blend in future seasons, ensuring a consistent and reliable source of winter feed for their cattle.
A Testament to Subzero’s Versatility
The Dodd family’s success story demonstrates Subzero’s ability to handle subzero climates and overcome the challenges of harsh frosts and winter feed gaps. By embracing innovative solutions like AlfaGen Subzero, farmers can ensure the well-being of their livestock and the sustainability of their operations, even in the most challenging conditions.
Join farmers like Cameron Dodd and discover how Subzero can transform your farming operation. With its resilience, versatility, and ability to thrive in subzero climates, Subzero offers a solution to overcome winter feed gaps and support livestock throughout the coldest seasons.