GTL60 Lucerne

Medicago sativa

GTL60® lucerne sets the standard for grazing-tolerant varieties. Its outstanding tolerance allows for more frequent grazing rotations while maintaining excellent persistence. GTL60® is a high-yielding, high-quality, semi winter-active lucerne, ideal for boosting productivity.


  • Unparalleled for grazing tolerance - withstands and recovers from continuous heavy grazing
  • A true-to-type grazing tolerant variety, bred specifically to handle Australian grazing systems
  • High forage quality
  • Dual purpose


  • Grazing, hay and silage

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Improved stand longevity ensures healthier pastures and supports sustainable grazing systems

Provides reliable performance and resilience in varied conditions, ensuring consistent pasture productivity under grazing

Shorter internodal trifoliate leaf spacing increases leaf production, resulting in more palatable forage


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