L97 (formerly SW9720)

Medicago sativa

L97 Lucerne sets a new standard in the highly winter-active category, delivering excellent forage yields without compromising quality. Bred for saline conditions, it extends the range of soils where lucerne can thrive. With outstanding winter growth, L97 ensures consistent, high-quality feed year-round, whether for grazing or cutting.


  • Increased salt tolerance - A leading variety in trials evaluating cultivars for salt tolerance
  • High quality, dual purpose
  • Bred in Australia, specifically for Australian conditions
  • Highly winter active


  • Hay, grazing and silage

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Suited to a range of soil types, producing exceptional forage in both saline and non-saline conditions

Increased leaf to stem ratio, producing high quality forage, suitable for both grazing & hay production systems

Specifically developed to thrive in Australia's unique climates and soil types, ensuring better performance and resilience

Highly winter active

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